Doors: 23.59 Uhr - 06.00 Uhr
Entry: Presale tickets via
Willkommen, es wird schnell!
Wir starten die nächste @trancepectation am 22.04.23 um 23:59 im 🚀
Auf 3 Floors gibt's einiges auf die Ohren:
Von groovy über dreamy bis hin zu eher dem genauen Gegenteil davon, wird alles was Trance und Techno zu bieten haben bedient.
Wir freuen uns auf ein wundervolles LineUp 🛸
@cozylabs_subohm_ ( @subko_1 b2b @kreone )
Auf @trancepectation erfahrt ihr in den nächsten Tagen mehr über die DJs.
Vielen Dank für die Animation @ kokoro_av
Zieht euch strapazierfähiges Schuhwerk an!
As for our first Act on the main Trancefloor we announce @k60rnung 🛸
Playtime: 00:00 - 02:00 (Saal)
English below
Fein geschliffen ist gestern, grob geschliffen ist aus den 90ern. Ihr werdet auf eine Zeitreise der Trancesphären mitgenommen. Dafür stellt euch 60er Körnung eine feine Kollektion seiner Lieblingstracks zusammen.
Fine ground is yesterday, rough ground is from the 90s. You will be taken on a time travel of the trance spheres. For this 60er Körnung puts together a fine collection of his favorite tracks.
See you 🛸
Our first Artist for our Techno basement is non other than @em.aevi 🛸
English below
Wir freuen uns, dass @em.aevi den Keller Floor mit einem Techno Set eröffnet.
Follow the White rabbit into the basement. Es wird einen charakteristischen Sound zu hören geben, der einen in den Bann zieht!
We are happy to announce that @em.aevi will open the basement floor with a techno set.
Follow the White rabbit into the basement. There will be a characteristic sound to listen to that will captivate you!
See you 🛸
So happy to announce our first Artist @fronemountain 🛸
Playtime: 00:00 - 02:00 (Bar Floor)
English below
Jan Froneberg ist Gründungsmitglied der Zirkulation Dresden und seit 4 Jahren auch selbst hinter den Decks. Mit einem Mix aus Techno und Trance, verfeinert mit einer Prise Eurodance, bringt er sächsische Floors zum schwitzen! High-Energy, High-Power, High-BPM.
Jan Froneberg is a founding member of @zirkulation_dd and has been behind the decks himself for 4 years. With a mix of Techno and Trance, refined with a pinch of Eurodance, He makes Saxon floors sweat! High-Energy, High-Power, High-BPM.
See you 🪐🛸
We more than happy to have Province with us for a classic Trance Set on our Bar Floor 🛸
Playtime: 02:00 - 04:00 (Bar)
English below
Province würde das Gefühl von Nostalgie als treibenden Faktor für seine Musikauswahl beschreiben. Er hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, alte Trance-Schätze aus den 90ern und 2000ern auszugraben und diese dem Publikum schmackhaft zu machen, damit die emotionale Kraft melodischer Musikextase auch in der Gegenwart und Zukunft weiterlebt.
Province would describe the feeling of nostalgia as the driving factor for his music selection. He has made it his mission to dig up old trance treasures from the 90s and 2000s and make them palatable to the audience so that the emotional power of melodic musical ecstasy lives on in the present and future.
See you 🛸
@djritalino will melt your brain on the main Trancefloor 🛸
Playtime: 04 - 06 (Saal)
Off to other dimensions, explore new layers of yourself and the people around you, you don't have to be afraid of anything as long as you are fully focused on the floor and enter a deep dreamy universe and let DJ RITALINO be your guide.
They're a DJ and artist from Magdeburg, part of the ESCAPE kollektiv, resident at MAW and the chaotic brain that creates Atzensafespace. With a selection combining only the finest trance, tribe, techno and groove tracks they will make the ravers dance until they enter new spheres unlike any other.
DJ RITALINOs sound forms an intersection between romantic & emotional but also hard & rough. Lino is known for being absolutely authentic and dancing as hard behind the decks as the people do on the floor. Stay 2-gether, rave 4-ever and feel the trance energy!
See you 🛸
@cozylabs_subohm_ (@subohm.xci ) - Duo project by @kreone & @subko_1 🛸
Playtime: 02:00-04:00
Ivan Rittschik aka KREONE was born in the 90s in Lithuania. While raising up he had strong connection to music through his parents who are musicians. Over the time he explored different music genres but always came back to electronic music. In 2012, after attending his first night club events in Chemnitz, he decided to play a more active role in the night life. Buying first DJ - controller, led to first DJ gigs in small university clubs and a long journey of finding his sound. After meeting fellow DJ SubkoØne at a rave in Chemnitz both realized they had similar interest in techno music. Eventually becoming close friends, KREONE joins SubØhm as a member. This defined and still defines KREONE‘s sound a lot. Right now KREONE feels comfortable playing harder fast paced techno. But always infused with a lot of groove and trance elements that influenced him while growing up in the 90s.
Hoang aka. SubkoØne was born and raised in Chemnitz (GER). He is the founder & CEO of SubØhm. His beginnings as a DJ were rooted by the end of 2016. Right from the start, he enjoyed a quick and blooming start as a newcomer and was able to get a lot of insights into the scene in his first two years.
In 2019, he created SubØhm & started his first events under this name. His intention was to support the clubbing scene in Chemnitz by cooperating with other labels, collectives & clubs. After the big unexpected CoVid-Break from 2020 - 2022, SubØhm had a great start again with events & the first various artists release called „SUBØHMVA001“ which has etablished the simple name SubØhm into a music label.
SubkoØne's sound is shaped by years of endless love to music and combinations of many genres. He's always been interested in unique sounds - no matter which genre. He describes his sounds as hard & pushing, trippy, industrial & open for surprises that are in touch with trance & melodic elements. His sets tell a story, so that the crowd never gets bored: Ups to be in ecstasy, downs to open hearts & breaks to exhale. His sound has been shaped by famous labels like Mama told ya, Taapion, Maison Close and many more.
@twausc will tear the basement apart 🛸
Playtime 04:00-06:00 (Keller)
Ihr könnt den Timer auf Tiner stellen denn sie ballert mit euch bis in die Morgenstunden.
You can Set your timer to Tiner, because she will destroy the morning hours with you.
See you 🛸
We are so happy that @acidadams will gift us a set this saturday 🛸
Playtime: 02:00 - 04:00 (Saal)
Acid Adams is a queer as fuck fine artist, researcher, DJ and producer based in Dresden, where they are resident at objekt klein a club and member of MiDi Mittwochsdisko. Adams’ selection concentrates where „rave stabs splinter, acid swirls, beats distort“, like Philip Sherburne once wrote about their podcast for Uncanny Valley records. Their style is a speedy genre bending wholesomeness between techno, trance, jungle hardcore and acid sounds, obviously.