Infinite Density Records Label Launch powered by Community Rockers Soundsystem

Infinite Density Records Label Launch powered by Community Rockers Soundsystem

Samstag, 25. März 2023


Doors: 22.00 Uhr

Entry: tba

Happy first release day! 🍾✨

The new Chemnitz-Stuttgart label "Infinite Density Records" celebrates its first release! With live act Jah Schulz and support from the Community Rockers Soundsystem, Subbass-induced feelings of happiness are guaranteed.

Infinite Density Records features Tine.Dub, Jah Schulz and T-Jah. The first single "Stories" with UK dub legend Chazbo and Jah Schulz was released on the 3rd of March and has been causing a furore in the sound system scene ever since.

Das neue Chemnitzer-Stuttgarter Label „Infinite Density Records" feiert sein erstes Release! Mit Liveact Jah Schulz und Unterstützung des Community Rockers Soundsystems sind Subbass induzierte Glücksgefühle garantiert.

Infinite Density Records sind Tine.Dub, Jah Schulz und T-Jah. Die erste Single „Stories" mit UK Dub Legende Chazbo und Jah Schulz erschien am 01.03 und sorgt seitdem für Furore in der Soundsystemszene.